Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Runner? Nope not I

OH's been a hectic few days! After the endless (oh, ok not really) debates  between which gym to join I made my decision and purchased my membership!! I'll accept internet high-fives and pat's on the back.....aww shucks thanks guys! Anywho I ran there during my lunch break on Monday and got a tour saw the class schedule and really liked the staff so it reassured my choice.....that is until I walked into the weight area.....dun dun dunnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! I felt SOOOOO out of place and by that I mean that I am a small (short) little (fat) girl who is trying to lose weight and transform my body and who are there while on my tour? None other than MEAT HEADS!!!!! Well for those who don't know me personally and just follow I am NO meat head I am almost the exact opposite. That was the only hesitation I had and I was reassured that during "normal" hours you see the whole range of the spectrum of people who are trying to get in a workout as well...phew that is a relief!

Even though I got my membership on Monday I didn't get the chance to go until tonight. I've had some weird sinus congestion/infection/just don't feel good. I still don't feel the best but I made myself go! I got on the treadmill and walked/ran for 1 mile **Note mile's ran tracker on the right side towards the bottom** I accidentally turned the treadmill off after being on it for 10 minutes so I probably did more like 1.5 miles with the entire 30 minutes on there, but oh well!

The one thing that I took away from my cardio workout today was that I AM SO OUT OF SHAPE! Like wow! I have never been a runner I always use to hate it but I want to become a runner. However, I am not sure the correct way to go about it. Are there any good ways to go from not running in years to being able to run? I mean it has to be possible from all the success stories I see/hear they never ran and are now running marathon's and races. And as ambitious and out there it may be I want to work towards that! Maybe not full marathons (not for a year or two) but like a 5k or a 10k or something to push myself to see if I can do it. Well I guess we'll see where my workouts go the next month or so and take it from there.

So over the past few day's I've also been trying different recipes I have been finding on other blogs and putting them to use and also just trying different things. Here are some of my creations: 

Turkey sandwich on wheat bagel thin with spinach...yum!

Fresh made salsa with organic snack ever!  

Over the past few day's I've also made some fun purchases and received some delayed birthday gifts. As any girl knows you always need new stylish clothes for the gym so I picked up a few new shirts today at Target. It may be cheap but their athletic like (by Champs I think) but I love it! I have a bunch of different items from their line and will continue to build my collection as time goes on. 

For any who don't know I am a die-hard Michigan State Spartan fan! I am a proud alumni of MSU and still support them every year with season tickets. Thankfully we are only about 2 hours from East Lansing so we are able to attend again this year. I always like to get new gear for the new tailgate season and this year was no different. I found a collegiate line at Old Navy and picked up these items for the season:

Great fall shirt as well as potential workout shirt

It is a men's sweatshirt however I do like mine baggier

The final item I received was my Thirty-One items! Yay!!!! I have already put the thermal lunch tote to use. I use it daily for my snacks and lunch when I'm going to work. I love love love it! I have yet to be able to use my apron but it is also tres cute. I am very happy with both of the purchases and think they were the best birthday gift I have got myself in a long time.

Perfect size for all my snacks and lunch!

Well that is all for right now I am going to call it an early night and hope that I can kick whatever is making me feel icky! Sweet dreams everyone!

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